Tag: Element 3D

Transitions with Element 3D

Based on Greyscalegorilla.com’s tutorial for creating the Discovery Channel rebrand cube transition effect, I wanted to see if I could create the effect in After Effects with Element 3D.  In the end I had to model the cubes outside of After Effects but that was all.  All the mattes, specular, and ambient occlusion was done with …

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Logo in chains

JEH Designs logo in chains.  I modeled two chain links in 3ds max and used Element 3D to replicate them into a full chain that would go around the logo.  The simple fence and padlock were also modeled in 3ds max and brought into Element 3D as OBJ files. Watch on Vimeo here.

JEH Designs 2 Years old

JEH Designs is now 2 years old.  When I started the site I didn’t think I was going to have enough content to post, but I think I’ve proven myself wrong.  From personal projects to short films, Future Pro Wrestling trailers/matches, and logos for various things.  I’ve had something to put up on the site, and …

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Lights Camera Action

A short and simple animation using Lights Camera Action as the starting point.  I didn’t have an idea what the animation would be at the beginning.  I started with the model of the directors chair and then added things as I went, using Lights Camera Action as something to animate too. Watch on Vimeo here.

Juice in a Can

This is a fun advert for a fake juice drink.  I started with the idea of fruit flying into a can and then exploding, I then built the rest of the advert around that.  I used Element 3D with the Fresh Foods pack as the custom sprite for Trapcode Particular on a custom path, which …

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FPW Reloaded 2.0 Trailer

Here is the trailer for Future Pro Wrestling’s next event  Reloaded 2.0 on 3/2/13. As the event has a Matrix theme to it, I wanted to give the trailer a technical matrix feel to it.  I used PlaneSpace to position video layers of previous shows in a video wall type of way.  I even used the matrix …

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Happy New Year 2013

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 Some 2013 animations with Element 3D and Trapcode Particular and Form.   Watch on Vimeo Here.   Some 2013 wallpapers – Hope it’s a lucky year!

Merry Christmas

“MERRY CHRISTMAS” Some Christmas animations.  Trapcode Particular got used a lot throughout the animations (snow!).  For a small part I used Trapcode Sound Keys for the first time, it was fun to use so will hope to use it again for a future project. Christmas Items from the shop Here   Watch on Vimeo Here …

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Knock Knock Who’s There

I wanted to do an animation with a wrecking ball so I decided to use the Knock Knock joke as a starting point.  I didn’t try to make it funny and there wasn’t going to be a punch line, I just wanted a starting point to base the animation on. Watch on Vimeo here.

Industrial Logo

Industrial Logo animation with gears in After Effects using Element 3D. Watch on Vimeo here.