Category: Videos

Happy New Year 2013

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 Some 2013 animations with Element 3D and Trapcode Particular and Form.   Watch on Vimeo Here.   Some 2013 wallpapers – Hope it’s a lucky year!

Merry Christmas

“MERRY CHRISTMAS” Some Christmas animations.  Trapcode Particular got used a lot throughout the animations (snow!).  For a small part I used Trapcode Sound Keys for the first time, it was fun to use so will hope to use it again for a future project. Christmas Items from the shop Here   Watch on Vimeo Here …

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Knock Knock Who’s There

I wanted to do an animation with a wrecking ball so I decided to use the Knock Knock joke as a starting point.  I didn’t try to make it funny and there wasn’t going to be a punch line, I just wanted a starting point to base the animation on. Watch on Vimeo here.

Industrial Logo

Industrial Logo animation with gears in After Effects using Element 3D. Watch on Vimeo here.

Visit and Follow

Playing about with a pre fractured cube in Element 3D. Watch on Vimeo here.

Camera Iris Aperture Animation

Camera iris aperture with After Effects and Element 3D.  Watch on Vimeo here.

Paradox78 Animation

A short logo animation. Watch on Vimeo here.

Mystical Sphere

Here is a short animation I made in After Effects while experimenting with Element 3D.  I didn’t have an idea for the end result, just wanted to play about more with the plugin. Watch on Vimeo Here.

Triple Cross Unused Shot Revisited

Here is a unused shot from the short film Triple Cross.  It wasn’t used due to time, and not knowing how to complete the effect.  I decided to go back to the shot as I wanted to see if I could now do the effect.  The finished shot is more or less what I had …

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Three Leaderboard Animations

With it being the Olympics I decided to make some leaderboard animations, using Element 3D and simple OBJ objects.  Not sure why it ended up being a top 6 leaderboard, but that’s something that could be changed if needed. Watch on Vimeo Here