HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 Some 2013 animations with Element 3D and Trapcode Particular and Form. Watch on Vimeo Here. Some 2013 wallpapers – Hope it’s a lucky year!
Category: Videos
Merry Christmas
“MERRY CHRISTMAS” Some Christmas animations. Trapcode Particular got used a lot throughout the animations (snow!). For a small part I used Trapcode Sound Keys for the first time, it was fun to use so will hope to use it again for a future project. Christmas Items from the shop Here Watch on Vimeo Here …
Triple Cross Unused Shot Revisited
Here is a unused shot from the short film Triple Cross. It wasn’t used due to time, and not knowing how to complete the effect. I decided to go back to the shot as I wanted to see if I could now do the effect. The finished shot is more or less what I had …
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